24 Hour Prayer Guide
If you are not used to extended prayer times, signing up for an hour might feel overwhelming. If so, the following suggestions may be helpful.
Although we know our God is mighty, powerful, and loving, sometimes we forget in the moment. That’s why it’s always helpful to start prayer times focused on who God is. Praising Him, thanking Him, and worshipping remind us right up front who God is. Listening to praise and worship songs may help.
Start with praise/worship verses (or songs) like:
Psalm 100 – a short praise psalm
Daniel 2:20 “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his."
Jeremiah 20:13 "Sing to the LORD! Give praise to the LORD! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked."
Psalm 99:5 "Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy."
Thank Him that He is powerful and He is loving
2. You may want to check your heart before your scheduled time to pray. I John 1:9 reminds us, “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin.”
3. Pray for our pastors
Reed, Audrey, Shelby and their families. As the spiritual leaders of Story Church, they are on the front lines. As Story members grow both in spiritual maturity, and in numbers, the Adams and Gonzales families become even more susceptible to attack. Pray for their protection
That they will continue to be sensitive to hear the Holy Spirit as they seek direction and ask for vision
For God to continue to lead Reed as he seeks direction on sermon contents – giving him what we need to hear and words simple enough for new believers and deep enough for those who have followed Jesus for a long time. (Like in the Reality Check series)
For them to remain strong as families
For continued parental wisdom For Reed and Audrey
For Audrey as she coordinates so many facets of Story Church life
For Shelby as she leads and coordinates the kids and volunteers in Kids Ministry
4. Pray for finances
For the SC family to be cheerful givers as they joyfully trust God in this vital area
For continued wisdom in Story Church spending
5. Pray that in God’s timing He will provide a building that aligns with His purposes for Story. When that time comes, may He open the floodgates of heaven to provide the needed finances. Until then may we be content being a mobile church
6. Pray for our church families and individuals. The picture is each one of us planted in fertile soil where we receive the nutrients we needed
For growth in spiritual maturity
For growth in healthy emotional maturity
For physical, mental and relational health
For financial provision - jobs
For healing of past wounds
For family dynamics
For specific needs you are aware of among our members
7. Pray for people who need Story to find Story. Here is a picture of our streetside signs flashing neon as people’s minds as they see them, and our website causing seekers to pause and hear God’s voice leading them here.
For believers seeking a church
For those who don’t know Jesus, but want to
For those who don’t know Jesus, and don’t know they need Him
8. Pray for the SC family to continue to grow closer together as a church family
9. Pray for blessings to flow out of Story into our community; that even beyond deliberate, planned outreach our prayers and presence will bring change in the spiritual atmosphere in Queen Creek/San Tan Valley
Be assured He hears our prayer.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known".​
May God fill you up with His presence as you pray.