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Sunday Sabbath Devotional 2024

​What are you hoping for in 2025? What is it that you would like to have happen in this next year? If you’re reading this with someone else, take a minute and share…and if you’re reading alone just pause and think through your desires for the next 12 months.


Some of us may be anticipating something exciting that we are pretty sure will happen – a graduation, a promotion at work, a specific vacation or something along those lines. Some of us may be hoping for something we don’t know will happen but would really like it to!

Some of us might be looking forward to a fresh start. We would like the chance to start over anew after a difficult 2024. Perhaps we made some mistakes and are wanting to leave them behind and try again. Maybe it wasn’t anything in our control, but the year just hit like a ton of bricks.

Whatever you are hoping for in 2025 (it feels strange to even write out that year…how can we be there already!?) I do know this: there will be minutes and days and hours where, no matter how hard the year may be, you are happy and excited about what is happening and feel so blessed. But, I also know that there will be times where you, no matter how wonderful the year might go, feel down and alone and sad and desperate.


Yes, this year will be a year of ups and downs. You will have great times and terrible times. But, I also know this: you don’t have to wait until a new year for a fresh start. One of the beautiful things about following Jesus is that when you don’t feel like you can make it, you can be reminded that God never stops being there for you. In Lamentations 3:22-24, it says:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

  for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
   therefore I will wait for him.”

Whenever you are struggling in 2025, remember that the Lord loves you dearly. That He is compassionate and cares about us despite our struggles. If you are down, remember that the next morning is a new day to walk in His presence and feel the faithfulness that He gives us. He will never give up on you, and when you choose to follow Him He will be with you every step of the way.

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